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Europe Tour 2014

Mission work usually conjures up images of work in Africa, India or some other developing country.
But did you know that Europe is one of the most unevangelized parts of the world?
Secular atheistic ideas that affect students here in America are deeply entrenched in Europe and Christian faith among the youth is rare.
But God is always on the move in all parts of the world! I consider myself both unworthy and extremely fortunate to be included in what God is doing in Europe. 
Please Pray For:
  • Good communication, especially in times when I need to use a translator.

  • Teachings that hit the mark. That I’ll know the exact topics to teach on that meet the needs of the people.

  • Fruitful evangelism. We’ll be doing a fair amount of evangelism and evangelistic training.

  • Physical health and strength. We have a pretty aggressive teaching and travel schedule planned. Travel is not nearly as convenient there as in the US.

  • Wisdom. Front-line foreign missionaries often see my visit as an opportunity to talk about personal, family and ministry needs.

My Schedule


May 22 Departure

May 23 Salzburg, Austria    

May 24 - 26 Graz, Austria  

May 27 - 29 Munich, Germany     

May 30 - June 1 Milano, Italy   

June 1 Turino, Italy    

June 2 - 3 Toulouse, France   

June 4-5 Normandy, France    

June 6 - 8 Cologne / Amsterdam    

June 9 Return home

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